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The Slayer's Stake
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The Slayer's Stake

HI! My name is Mars and I am one of the many Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fans that hate to miss any episode, love to read spoilers, write some Fanfic.....ect. I love to watch Buffy so much, that i tape the episodes and watch them until I'm a living rerun of the show. Please put in your site for my awards! Anyway, if you have a web site of your own and you like mine..... can you please put me on a link?? If you want a link on my site to yours,e-mail me! Please put the subject as " The Slayer's Stake' or I will not open it. DO NOT PUT A VIRUS IN THE E-MAIL!If you would like, you may sign the guestbook. I;m sorry but you will have to scroll down a bit to get to the forum. Well...anyway....i hope you

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What's New On The Show

If you are a little is what has been going on in Season 6.
As you probably know, Buffy died last season. She was brought back by Willow. She was actually in heaven, but they thought she was in hell. Quote "...torn my my friends" and "There was no pain, no fear, no doubt, 'till they pulled me out.... of heaven" She revealed this to the Scooby Gang in episode : 'Once More, With Feeling.' In episode 'Smashed'....I think you know what happened.. Buffy and Spike became sort of a couple..... They have a love/hate relationship(more of) In case you have noticed... Buffy is not on The WB any more. They have just moved to UPN , if you don't get UPN , it is also on The New VR

The Slayer

"Into each generation a Slayer is born. One girl in all the world, a Chosen One. One born with the strength and skill to fight the vampires, to stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their numbers.

For every vampire in the world, there is a Slayer. The Slayer Code: Destroy all vampires with the obligatory aid of super strength, fighting ability and an acute and intense gift of timing-think of it as being bitten by a radioactive spider minus the leotard. It's not only vampires, however, that these warriors have chosen the responsibility to annihilate. They also have to time-out demons, monsters and just about every other kind of nasty that can come to mind. When a Slayer times a creature out, it doesn't entail making them stand in a corner. Usually, the end result is a heinously bloody slaughter, sometimes accompanied by one of today's hottest bands. With the aid of a Watcher-who trains and looks out for each Slayer-these superhuman do-gooders have been known mostly to lurk in the shadows alone, following their prey-the bloodsucking undead.


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